Patrick McCain
My name is Patrick McCain. I have been a member at CBSR for 2 years. I have been in Seattle for 5 years. I am married for 35 years to Karen McCain. We have one adult child, Lafayette, living in Miami, Fl.
Since being at CBSR, I have served in the Music Ministry, in the Men’s Ministry, and regularly attend Sunday School and Bible Study. Before I joined CBSR, I attended Mount Zion Baptist Church and served in the Music Ministry, Men’s Ministry, and the Team Issachar Mentoring Ministry. I was also served as a Trustee. In the many years prior to moving to Seattle, I have served as a Deacon/Elder, in the Children’s Ministry, in the Sunday School ministry, and in the Bible Study ministry.
I was saved at the age of 19 and have been serving since that time in many different churches. The Lord blessed me with a job that he has used to relocate me where he desires me and my family to be. All of my steps have been ordered by the Lord.
God has blessed me beyond anything I deserve and continues to surprise me every day. I am so thankful. I live by faith and believe that service and an attitude of humility are the keys to winning souls to Christ.
I believe that Christ is the head of the overall church and that pastors are called to shepherd the sheep that are assigned as his/her congregation. We, who are saved, should be serving under our pastor for the same purpose, as this purpose is transmitted to the pastor by God and to us by the pastor.